The Spaghetti Cone

The Spaghetti Cone

2015 Jul 31st

Why would anyone want to eat spaghetti out of a cone?

Spaghetti is a very satisfying food to eat. So why not eat it while walking around? And the spaghetti cone is disposable so easier on a picnic or large gatherings such as a barbecue or summer parties, or on the beach. The sand will find it harder to jump into a cone than onto a plate which placed precariously on a lap while sitting on a scrunched up blanket on the sand.

The spaghetti cone makes for remarkably neat spill free eating

The spaghetti cone is really kid friendly too. You only need to watch a child to see that twirling spaghetti noodle on a fork requires dexterity most small children lack.They can walk around and get some nutrition at the same time.

The cone makes spaghetti eating much simpler than a plate, the curved sides of the cone help guide the spaghetti into a ball around the fork (thereby negating the need for the spoon to achieve this effect).

You can hold the cone right under your fork as you lift each bite. So much neater than a wrap, falafel, souvlaki or hamburger with the works.

Spaghetti is a remarkable dish that can be stretched to meet last minute guests just add another can of diced tomatoes to the pot.

At your next outdoor gathering, have a pot of spaghetti ready. And make some paper cones. 

Not Handy in the kraft department?

ice cream cone

If you just don't have time to sit down cutting and gluing, why not buy those paper drinking cone shaped cups. They're inexpensive and an ideal size for small children. 

ice cream cone

Make your gathering even more fun with ready made unsweetened ice cream or waffle cones. It's the Kid-friendly spaghetti eating system. 

Keep 'em healthy with bison ground meat from Sayersbrook. 

Conveniently packaged in 1 lb units, Ground Bison Meat can be used in any recipe calling for beef. Now, you can make your spaghetti with a red meat that is over 90% lean. One serving (1/3 lb) of ground bison contains 3.6 g fat, 216 calories, 0 g carbs and 25 g of protein. Buy Bison Ground Meat Now.